Ensoniq EXP-4 The Perfect Piano

The Perfect Piano Expansion Board is the result of Ensoniq’s collaboration with sample master William Coakley. It adds 16 MB of high quality sampled piano sounds and features a STEINWAY D Grand Piano and 2 Electric Pianos. William Coakley has been a pianist all his life, as well as a piano technician. He has tuned pianos for Teisher, Watts, Ferranti, and Liberace. Also a recording engineer, Coakley pursued the perfect piano by sampling meticulously and spending long hours making sure the process was as close to perfection as possible. Compatible with MR-Rack, MR-61, MR-76, and ASR-X Pro. MR-Rack must have version 1.50 or higher.

Factory Demos




000. Perfect Pno
001. StPno EQwhl
002. Mello-Piano
003. Warm Pno/EQ
004. TrackingPno
005. Stately Pno
006. Brite Piano
007. LatinoPiano
008. Honky-Tonky
009. Warm-ThkSus
010. 2Lyr-Bright
011. 2Lyr-Stereo
012. 4Lyr w/Thud
013. Pno/HrpNoiz
014. Cheap Seats
015. Lt Chor Pno
016. EQ Piano
017. HrdLyrs/Thd
018. Reflex Pno
019. Piano-Bell
020. ElPnoAttack
021. Piano/ElPno
022. Toy-Piano
023. Acoustatine
024. NewAgePiano
025. TineNoisePd
026. HarpNoisePd
027. Padulatiary
028. RhythmicPad
029. Feisty Pad
030. Quack Comp
031. Pno/Orgn-Wh
032. PercOrg Pno
033. Real Thing
034. Chorus EPno
035. 3Lyr ElPno
036. CuttinÂșTine
037. 4X Med EPno
038. Subtle EPno

039. Tine-In
040. Busted Tine
041. HarpTinePad
042. PhasedWurli
043. WurliFat
044. WurliGtrAmp
045. Wurli-Rotor
046. TalkinWurli
047. TrashdWurli
048. Rock Wurlie
049. Piano/Wurly
050. Pianet
051. Piano/Strg*
052. DarkSt Pno*
053. Pno/VibStr*
054. Piano/Aahs*
055. Hybrid EP*
056. ElPnoGamPad
057. Tine-Wurli
058. NylonPiano*
059. DeepPnoPad*
060. KeithJ Pno*
061. AcBs/Piano*
062. Pno/TenrSx*
063. TexturedEP*
064. DigiPianet*
065. AttackEPno*
066. Sweet EPno*
067. WrliHybrid*
068. FM Hybrid*
069. OrgnHybrid*
070. Org-EP Mix*
071. PercWurlie*
072. Air Piano*
073. Weird EPLyr
074. Tite Wurlie
075. Amped ElPno
076. StPno+EPno*
077. StPno+Strg*

078. ClaviWurlie
079. BritePhase
080. Dark Wurlie
081. Jazzy Phase
082. Wurli-Organ
083. Wurli-Rez*
084. PnoPdDetun*
085. Harp-Piano*
086. Deep Piano*
087. EPno-Strgs*
088. SqrWavPiano
089. Wurli Synth
090. Pno Squared
091. Piano-Tri
092. EP-Mute Gtr
093. East Piano*
094. ElPno-Squr*
095. 4L Pno-Synt
096. 4L Pno-Harm
097. Quack Atak*
098. Piano-Gamln
099. Pno/MrmbaPd
100. PianoVoiln*
101. Pno/Org-Wh*
102. EPnoDigVoi*
103. AcBs/ElPno*
104. Frtls/EPno*
105. BsGtr/EPno*
106. SynBs/EPno*
107. SlapAttack*
108. PnoHrpStrg*
109. PnoSynLead*
110. Piano/Alto*
111. Piano/Sopr*
112. Pno/Clarnt*
113. Pno-Kalmba*
114. Seq. Piano

